CSA at work!

I was really inspired by this post that our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm, Vermont Valley, just posted on its blog, and wanted to share it here:

"Our Produce in the Community"

In addition to producing delicious, abundant shares for its CSA members, Vermont Valley vegetables are finding homes at the Goodman Community Center's Seed to Table program and Thanksgiving Baskets Project; in lunches of the Mt. Horeb Area School District; at Badger Camp serving those with developmental disabilities; at the Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin; FairShare CSA Coalition's Bike the Barns event; the AIDS Network AIDS Ride; the First United Methodist Church Food Pantry; and the Middleton Outreach Ministry.

All of these diverse homes for fresh, local, seasonal vegetables--all within our community! Such promise!

It makes me just dream about the possibilities for connecting local farms with varied venues for getting that produce to as many different audience as possible.

Gratifying, authentic connections.

Veggies processed and ready to freeze for the winter at Mt. Horeb schools: 
Trays of vegetables waiting to bagged and frozen for winter meals
