About this Blog

Over the years, I have used this blog to try to combine my academic, professional, personal, and emotional interests in food with my desire to write and to connect with others who have similar interests.

I want to bring "dining" together with "opining." There are many sites that I love that take on the "dining" part of relating to food; 101 Cookbooks, Smitten Kitchen, Fat Free Vegan Kitchen, and many others do a wonderful job of sharing delicious recipes, along with great photography and stories about cooking.  And there are just as many sites that I love that take on the "opining" part of relating to food; Casaubon's Book, Civil Eats, La Vida Locavore, and many others present thought-provoking, well-researched, and sometimes personal accounts of food politics, ethics, and activism. 

But I want to do both.

I want to share my favorite enchilada recipe and I want to discuss the history of ethnic cuisine in America. I want to write stories of gardening with kids and I want to provide links to important news items about Farm to School legislation. I want to post photos of local food events that I take part in and I want to muse about the development of community food networks more generally. And I want to do all this in conversation with others who are curious about local food, who garden or do home canning, who cook or enjoy eating with loved ones, who want to know more about the place of food in our lives, who want to unite the ethical and sensory pleasures of eating.

So, let's dine and opine together.

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