Airport Breakfast
So, I recently wrote about the kind of egg breakfast that we like to have when we have access to toasted English muffins, fried eggs, sauteed onions, assorted greens, plus peaches and plums and cherries and strawberries! But what to do when you're in an airport, traveling at the end of a family vacation, with not much more than the leftover fridge items of a few hard-boiled eggs and two bread heels? What kind of egg sandwich can be made with that? Well, with the aid of an old cottage cheese container that I stubbornly hadn't thrown away, our favorite take-anywhere utensil the "spo-fork-ife," and some airport condiments, we managed to put together a delicious couple of open-faced sandwiches. We just peeled the eggs, chopped them up in the plastic containers with the knife/fork end of our utensil, added some mayo, Grey Poupon , crushed red pepper, and salt... and spread the whole mixture on our bread heels before enjoying!